Winning the Mind Game

Winning the Mind Game

Our Minds are like Icebergs A big battle with most people is battle for their mind. How do we win the mind games? When you look at an iceberg, you only see ten percent of its mass, ninety percent of it is underwater. That is similar to the battle going on in most...
Pull Your Own Weight

Pull Your Own Weight

Pull Your Own Weight Pull your own weight in life. That means work hard and provide for yourself. Everyone has that co-worker or family member who doesn’t pull their own weight. They sap off of everyone else or play dumb when they don’t get their work...
Make It Stick

Make It Stick

Make It Stick Daily consistency in our devotional life increases the possibility of making this fresh start stick. We won’t know if the change is permanent until we go through our first test. Often, it isn’t until the first sign of trouble appears that we...
The Path to Health

The Path to Health

The Path to Health Many of us need to get on the path to spiritual health. We are malnourished when it comes to biblical knowledge. The final tool you need for your daily walk is strong Bible teaching. This comes from a pastor at a church that teaches God’s word. God...
Key To It All

Key To It All

The Key to it all. The third skill you need to be equipped with is giving. Giving is the ability to sacrifice what we have for the benefit of others. It takes a piece of us and leaves it with someone else. This is one of the most life-changing steps we can take....
Deeper In the Word

Deeper In the Word

Deeper In the Word The second skill that we want to equip you with is daily scripture reading. It should be the goal of every Christian to go deeper into the Word of God. The Bible is like a roadmap for life. Some people refer to the Bible as Basic Instructions Before...