The One Who Serves

The One Who Serves

Getting excellent service from a waiter at a restaurant makes the meal much more enjoyable. The reverse can be said if the server has a bad attitude. When the server is good, you want to tip more; when they’re not, you barely want to tip at all. The best waiters are...
Husbands Love Your Wives

Husbands Love Your Wives

Twenty-five years ago, I met my wife. She attended a Bible study I was teaching, and I was hooked. From that point on, we’ve been inseparable. After my relationship with Jesus, she is my greatest love, and there is nobody else I would rather be around. The key to our...
Put on Your New Self

Put on Your New Self

There is nothing like a good vacation or holiday to renew your mind and body. Time away from the daily grind can give you a fresh perspective. It’s almost like you are a new person. This is why God tells you to observe the Sabbath. It renews your mind. Spiritually you...
We Can’t Comprehend God’s Love

We Can’t Comprehend God’s Love

When my kids were young, we would always play the game, “I love you this much.” I would start by telling them I love them as far as my arms could spread apart. They would reply that they loved me to infinity and beyond. It would go on and on until we ran out of things...
The Power of Prayer

The Power of Prayer

The Brooklyn Tabernacle church in New York is known for its prayer ministry. They will get hundreds, if not thousands, out for its prayer meeting on Tuesday nights. They also have a twenty-four-hour ministry that prays around the clock. One of my favorite books is...
Your Life is a Poem

Your Life is a Poem

My education is in English. I have a degree in it from Vanguard University. You may think it is odd for a pastor to have a degree in English, but I do, and I don’t regret it one bit. I use my education every day in my studying and writing. One area that I never...