Wait Upon the Lord

Wait Upon the Lord

“Patience is a virtue.” That is what my grandma and mother used to tell me all the time. It was wise counsel that I had a hard time taking because I like to get things done quickly and efficiently. My frustration level rises when I have to wait, and I am...
Jesus Provides the Way

Jesus Provides the Way

Our world is becoming a place where people don’t like disagreement. They don’t want to listen to another point of view, and anyone who disagrees is seen as an enemy. This makes it hard to do the right thing if you know someone is going to be upset. Jeremiah was a...
Motivated by Love

Motivated by Love

I walked by a store the other day that had a large sign in the window that said, “Love is Love is Love.” I get what they are trying to say, but it’s not true. Love is applied to many things, but I don’t love ice cream the way I love my wife. As...
Patient With You

Patient With You

Have you ever gotten impatient with God? Did you think that His timing is slower than you would prefer? Maybe God is not being slow to respond; instead, He is being patient so that his entire plan would come to fruition. When we learn to trust Christ’s process,...
Walking in the Truth

Walking in the Truth

Let’s be honest. It’s easier to tell others what they want to hear than to be honest. We are afraid to hurt their feelings, and telling the truth can make us uncomfortable if we are honest. Dishonesty was an issue in the early church, as it is today. Paul...