Reality Check

Reality Check

It usually takes someone bigger or better than you to give you a reality check. By that, I mean to put you in your place and show you that you aren’t as good as you think you are. This happens in sports all of the time but stretches across all facets of life....
A Fresh Twist

A Fresh Twist

Have you ever seen a movie that was a remake of a classic? How about one of your favorite singers covering a well-known song? Each of those brings a fresh twist on something well known. When Jesus speaks to his disciples, he puts a fresh twist on a well-known...
Following the Lord’s Leading

Following the Lord’s Leading

This post is the one-thousandth devotional that I have written on the Daily Walk Devotion. It’s an important milestone for me because it represents following the Lord’s leading to publish what I was reading and journaling during my devotion time. Nothing...
Be Careful What You Sow

Be Careful What You Sow

The wind is something that has both beneficial and destructive principles. Most of the time, the wind pushes along nature’s cycle that allows for plants to be pollinated and weather systems to move. On occasion, its speeds can form a hurricane or tornado that...
Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

Whose Approval Are You Seeking?

One thing that the pandemic has impacted is professional sports. Most leagues have restarted without fans in the stands. Some are pumping in fake crowd applause, but it has been hard to watch as someone who is a lifelong sports fan. The applause of the fans brings so...
Avoid the Darkness

Avoid the Darkness

Light and darkness are common ways that Hollywood symbolizes good and evil. The good guy wears white while the bad guy wears black. The criminal is always sitting in dark places until the police officer comes in and shines a light on the situation. It is something all...