Could You Use Some Good News?

by | Dec 12, 2018

 Could You Use Some Good News I Daily Walk Devotion

Could you use some good news? Most of us could. With all of the bad news out there it is easy to get overwhelmed and think the world is crashing down on you. That is sad because we are in the Advent season, which is a celebration of Jesus coming to earth. That is the ultimate good news! We hold the gospel in our hearts and with that comes some uplifting bonuses.

Isaiah 52:7

How beautiful upon the mountains are the feet of him who brings good news, who publishes peace, who brings good news of happiness, who publishes salvation, who says to Zion, “Your God reigns.”

Gift of New Life

Mountains in the Bible usually represent the presence of God and feet represent activity and progress. When Jesus was born the Gospel, which means good news, came with him. Why is the news so good? He came so that we could have a new life through the forgiveness of our sins. There is no more shame or condemnation because our account has been wiped clean.

Does Peace Reign in Your Life?

That would be good enough if the good news stopped there, but it doesn’t. Those who have Christ have peace. He stills our soul and sets us free from the chains that sin binds us with. We no longer have to be captive to the traps of the devil because he gives us a way out. Are you living with this kind of peace today? If not there may be a reason.

Our God Reigns!

The last part of this text tells us that those who have this salvation, peace, and happiness is the one who cries out “Our God reigns!” Where God reigns in a person’s life peace reigns. If there isn’t peace in your life, I can bet that God isn’t reigning in your life. You may go to church, read your Bible, serve those in need, but if something else has priority in your heart there won’t be peace. If you are searching for true peace get alone with God and ask him forgiveness for letting an idol take his place. Ask him to remove it and restore the joy of your salvation.