Demonstration of the Spirit’s Power

by | Jan 28, 2020

Demonstration of the Spirit's Power I Daily Walk Devotion

When DL Moody would speak to the thousands of children in Chicago at his Sunday night Sunday School bak in the 1800’s lives were changed. It was so powerful that families started coming with their children. Soon they couldn’t find venues big enough to hold them. It was estimated that close to ten thousand people would show up with many it coming to know Jesus. It was a true demonstration of the Spirit’s power. What made it truly amazing was that Moody wasn’t known as a riveting speaker.

‭‭1 Corinthians‬ ‭2:4-5

My speech and my preaching were not with persuasive words of wisdom but with a demonstration of the Spirit’s power, so that your faith might not be based on human wisdom but on God’s power.”

Spirit Changes Lives

Paul is not self-effacing when he is talking about his preaching. He wasn’t known for his charismatic personality. In fact, legend has it that he was bald with beady eyes and spoke in a monotone manner. He knew that, and that is why he is giving the Spirit’s power as the reason why lives were changed. He didn’t want people’s faith to be based on his persuasive teaching but on God’s power. That is what is going to last.

Pray for Boldness

We can’t let our fears of speaking to people be a reason for not sharing the Gospel. We are called to be faithful and let God do the rest. People didn’t receive Paul every time he spoke. The Corinthians had significant issues because he wasn’t as charismatic as some of the traveling speakers. If we compare ourselves to the famous pastors and evangelists, we will never get out there and let people know about Jesus. Pray for boldness to share the Gospel.

Demonstration of the Spirit’s Power

When the Holy Spirit shows up, it is powerful. He moves on people’s hearts, and lives are changed. All it takes is a faithful person for the Spirit to work through. Never make it about your wisdom or humor when it comes to speaking to people. Speak the truth and then get out of the way so that the Spirit can work. When we do, our lives are changed as well.