People are so quick to give up on others when they don’t meet their expectations. This leaves those who have fallen short feel like they have been rejected and alone. It can also lead to feelings of despair. I am here to tell Jesus loves you. He came to give you life, and God is not done with you. He will continue to work in your life until you are in His presence.
Philippians 1:6
“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus.”
A New Work
This is one of my all-time favorite verses in the Bible. It is one of the first verses that I memorized as a new Christian. The reason for my love is this verse is that it gave me hope. I was an awkward teenager that made a lot of bad decisions, and this verse reminded me that God wasn’t giving up on me, but each day He was doing a new work in my life. As I grew in my spiritual maturity, I realized that this verse talks about my sanctification process.
God Is Not Done With You
God is not done with you either. That work that begun in your heart at Salvation continues. The Holy Spirit is taking you through the process of setting you apart from the world and forming you into the image of Jesus Christ. That happens in your heart, mind, and attitude. You won’t see changes in your appearance like your weight unless that was tied to something like gluttony that Jesus sets you free from that sin.
Don’t Lose Hope
Don’t lose hope if you feel like you are a failure. You may have made a series of bad decisions that have caused some serious consequences, and it appears the world is against you. God can do a work in your heart amid a crisis. I would say that is where we see Him move the most. Keep your eyes focused on Jesus. Turn away from your sin and ask for forgiveness, and then ask the Spirit to lead you. You will be surprised at what happens next.