God Will Give You Justice

by | May 24, 2019

God Will Give You Justice I Daily Walk Devotion

I think Judge Judy is one of the funniest shows on TV. Two people who went to court to sue each other agree to go on TV and have a tiny little lady in a black robe tell them they are stupid. It’s great entertainment, but why do people agree to do it? They know how it is going to turn out. As Christian, we don’t need to go to court to get justice. God will grant you justice when you petition Him.

‭‭Luke‬ ‭18:7

“Will not God grant justice to his elect who cry out to him day and night? Will He delay helping them? I tell you, He will give justice to them speedily.

Persistent Petitions

In the parable of the Persistent Widow Jesus illustrates the point that if a worldly judge, who doesn’t care about anyone, can give a widow who bugs him justice, how much more will a loving God give you justice? The widow was persistent in her petitions with the judge. Are we persistent in our prayers to God when we need Him to do the same? Jesus tells us that because God is so loving that He will bring justice speedily.

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The danger we run into when we need justice is to get angry and desire revenge. Revenge is getting back at the person. Justice is having the right judgment rendered. When anger and desire for retribution take over, our prayers change from God’s will being done to our will being granted. When we have been wronged, we need to seek the right judge to preside over the dilemma.

God Will Give You Justice

If you have been wronged, go and petition the Lord. Seek justice in the way it is supposed to be sought. Don’t take things into your own hands but go to the Lord daily with your prayers. Don’t give up after the first or second try but continue until you get an answer. Remember that God is at work, and He has your best interests in mind.