Hide and Seek

by | Apr 11, 2022

Hide and Seek I Daily Walk Devotion

My kids loved turning all of the lights off in the house and playing hide and seek. To say there were tons of screams would be an understatement. As parents, my wife and I would be in tears laughing at how scared our kids were. They were afraid to look behind doors and curtains out of fear their sibling would scare them to death. In our relationship with Jesus, we are hidden with Him and spend the rest of our days on earth seeking His heart. It’s a different kind of hide and seek.


“For you have died and your life is hidden with Christ in God.”

Hidden with Christ

When you put your faith and trust in Jesus, you die to your old life. Sure, you still have your physical body, but the old spirit has been crucified with Christ (Gal 2:20), and you have been resurrected into a new one hidden with Christ. What does it mean to be hidden with Christ? A couple of devotionals back, I talked about God being our stronghold and refuge. The same principle applies. You can run to him and be protected within His strong fortress and thus focus your mind on things above.

Don’t Be Gripped by Fear

Don’t let the worries of the world overtake your heart. It is easy to forget the promises of God and what is offered to every believer. If fear is filling your heart, seek His Face by reading Scripture, prayer, and fellowship with believers. The worst thing you could do is isolate yourself and listen to the “experts” on TV. When you are filled with the Word and the Spirit, you are prepared to face the world.

Hide and Seek

The best part of hide and seek in finding the hiding person. When you allow yourself to be protected by Christ and seek His face, you will discover the greatest joy you can find. Put your mind on things above and seek first the kingdom of God, and what you need will be added to you.