There is a baseball player in the United States named Josh Hamilton. He was one of the most promising talents to enter the big leagues. He had all the tools and abilities for a hall of fame career. Sadly, Hamilton was derailed by his constant struggle with substance abuse. He made a couple of comebacks but never achieved the potential he had. For most athletes, that’s the last you hear of them but not him. Hamilton gave his life to Christ and has overcome his addictions. Jesus let him know, “I am with you.”
Isaiah 41:10
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be afraid, for I am your God. I will strengthen you; I will help you; I will hold on to you with my righteous right hand.
Be Prepared
Isaiah 41 is written to the Israelites who will be coming out of exile and traveling back to Jerusalem to rebuild. Notice, I said, “will be?” Isaiah wrote this before the Jews even went into exile! He had been warning them to return to the Lord, but now their fate is sealed, and it is only a matter of time before Babylon captures them, and they spend 70 years in exile. It won’t be an easy road back, but Isaiah gives them this word of encouragement from God: “I am with you.”
No Need to Fear
Seven times God tells Israel to “Fear not” between chapter 41-44. That is one of the most repeated phrases from God in all of the Bible. There is no need for us to fear if we are following Jesus. Our circumstances might seem overwhelming, but our God is bigger. We need to ask ourselves where our focus is. Are we more focused on our problems or Jesus?
I Am With You
When God says, “I am with you.” we see three things that entail. First, He says I will strengthen you. Second, He says I will help you. Finally, He says I will hold you in my right hand. Read over those again. Jesus is with us at all times, and He is willing to strengthen you when you are weak, help you when you are in a jam, and hold on to you when things get wild. Those assurances should help get us through all of our problems. Trust in Him.