Intercession for World Leaders

by | Oct 18, 2017

We need more intercession for world leaders. With today’s political climate the only thing that will make an impact is the church coming together and praying for God’s wisdom to intervene. There is a lack of humility in politicians. We need to be lifting them up in prayer so that they won’t give into temptation.

1 Timothy 2:1-2

“I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people— for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness.” 

Pray for Your Leadership

Paul is encouraging Timothy to have his people pray for their leadership. Whether it be in the church or for the country, we need to be interceding for them. Intercession means to stand in the gap for someone else. Our leadership needs our intercession more than we can ever know. They face pressure and temptations that ordinary citizens never face. They have to make important decisions that affect multitudes of people. Whether we agree with their version of politics or not, their choices inevitably impact us. We need to be seeking God on their behalf so that they will operate with Godly wisdom.

Stand in the Gap

Prayer is so vital for leaders. Elisha worked as a man who prayed without ceasing. His communication with the Lord was so natural that he immediately knew what God was doing. God even revealed to him the secrets of others. We can work in that power as well. A well-cultivated prayer life will have an impact on us. We will see God use it powerfully. That means that we need to turn the focus off of ourselves and on to others. We need to stand in the gap for those who can’t.