Have you ever been around someone who has a big heart? By that I mean they care for others and are so giving? What makes them so attractive is not their physical appearance but their attitude. People are drawn to them because they feel valued and appreciated. It’s a matter of the heart, and that surpasses any other measurement. David falls into that category too. He had a heart that God noticed.
1 Samuel 16:7
“But the Lord said to Samuel, “Do not look at his appearance or his stature because I have rejected him. Humans do not see what the Lord sees, for humans see what is visible, but the Lord sees the heart.”
Don’t Be Fooled
When Israel was in the market for a new king God sent Samuel to Bethlehem to Jesse’s family, Saul had become an epic failure, and God had removed his favor from him. God sent Samuel to conduct a sacrifice, and he invited Jesse. He had eight sons and brought seven of them to the sacrifice. God told him that he would choose a king from these young men. Samuel was struck by the appearances of these young men, but God rejected them. He wanted someone who had the right heart, and he was out watching the sheep.
It’s a Matter of the Heart
It’s a matter of the heart for God. God chose Jesse’s youngest son over the older and more qualified brothers. If you have noticed this is a pattern with God. He takes the underdog and the under-qualified and puts His Spirit upon them and does amazing things. David was not only Israel’s greatest king, but he was their greatest warrior as well, God gathered all of Israel’s misfits around him, and they became David’s mighty men.
Heart Over Talent
God can use someone with the right heart more than he can with the one with all the talent. When he puts his favor upon one of his servant’s miracles happen. What makes us ready for this? Before David was a warrior, he was a worshipper. Many of the Psalms were written while he laid in the pasture watching the sheep. He saw the heavens and understood how incredible God was. He sang his heart out to the Lord, and God noticed. God rejected all of the brothers, and Samuel asked if there were any more. They found out in his sanctuary worshipping.