I am usually up before the sun. I can see it rise from where I sit while I do my devotions. Those first rays of the morning bring everything to life around my window. The Birds start to chirp, the animals and insects start to move to the warmth, and the plants start to turn towards the light. When we follow Jesus, that darkness no longer can overcome us. He is the light that brings new life.
John 1:4-5“In him was life, and that life was the light of all mankind. The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it.”
The light brings new life. It shines in on the darkness. It wakes the world up and brings warmth to the cold. Jesus came into the world to bring new life. He shines in on the darkness of your soul and gives you hope. He brings life to dead bones and illuminates the darkness so His disciples can see the way. Nothing can stop His penetrating light.
A Whole New Life
When John is talking about life here, he is talking about your spirit. When you sin, there is a spiritual death that happens. It separates you from God and puts a debt on you that you cannot pay. Jesus was sent to bring new life. “In Him was life.” Through Jesus, you have been granted a new life, better than the one before. The death sentence is removed when you trust Him, but it doesn’t stop there. God isn’t just satisfied that you escape death. He has so much more for you. He wants to endow you with the power of the Holy Spirit, give you gifts to use to build His church, and for fruit to grow. That is the new life that Jesus brings.
Light That Brings New Life
For that to happen, you must let the light of Christ shine in you. He came to shine His light into that darkness to bring life. This light is powerful. Darkness has no answer for its power. This light exposes your sin and illuminates your weaknesses, but it also shines on your heart and brings life. Allow the light of Christ to shine in every area of your heart today. It can overcome anything in your life you are struggling with. Receive and walk in that new life today.