I don’t know about you, but I struggle with patience. I want things done right now and if something takes time to complete I get impatient. Pinwheels on my phone or computer frustrate me. It seems that God is always giving me lessons in patience. He wants me to develop the patience to see it through.
Ecclesiastes 7:8
“The end of a matter is better than its beginning; a patient spirit is better than a proud spirit.”
Easy to Start
Solomon hits on the age-old adage of finish what you start. Most of us have lots of projects that we started, with good intentions, but never finished. That’s because we have all of the energy and motivation at the beginning. Most of us want the end result but we don’t have the discipline to see it through. Having the patience to finish is what gets you to the end.
Pride Blinds Us
Patience and pride are enemies. Pride is thinking more of oneself than you actually are. It likes to boast of its accomplishments and is more concerned with everyone knowing than actual results. Worst of all, pride leads us to think we are better than others. Pride also prevents us from finishing because we are too proud to ask for help.
Patience to See it Through
Patience, on the other hand, isn’t concerned with what others think or rushing through tasks to impress others with what you have accomplished. Patience sees projects through because it gets the satisfaction of doing things right. Most of all, patience gives us the time to see from every angle and determine the best course of action.
We can get caught in the trap of pride in our daily walk with Jesus. When we are more concerned with how we are perceived than what the reality is pride has become a stumbling block. Patience knows that our sanctification takes time and that we don’t have it all together. We know that one day we will be complete in Christ, but until then we live under his grace.
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