This last Sunday my oldest son played drums on the worship team. The entire worship team was made up of teenagers from the youth group. From the outset, they were in perfect harmony. They not only sounded good but their hearts and passion came through. The church was energized by it, and God was glorified through their service to him. The church was in perfect harmony that morning.
Psalms 133:1
How good and pleasant it is when brothers live together in harmony! It is like fine oil on the head, running down on the beard, running down Aaron’s beard
onto his robes.
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The definition of harmony can be when all the instruments of a musical piece perfectly synchronize together to create a beautiful sound, or it can mean a group of people getting along with each other. As a church, we are to be in perfect harmony with one another. Too many times the music in the church is more harmonious than the people are.
In Perfect Harmony
When the church is in perfect harmony peace and love are prevalent. That creates an atmosphere that is good and pleasant. It is a place where we want to be. There is an understanding that no one is perfect but that each person is going to bear with one another through the mistakes and misunderstandings to maintain harmony and peace. Before we get offended and complain out loud how we have been wronged, we try to understand the other person and work through the differences.
Put on the Love of Christ
When a church is full of people who put on the love of Christ and bear with one another through the difficulties there is an atmosphere of perfect harmony. The people look forward to coming together as a church and enjoying one another’s company. The mission of the church is accomplished because the people are in one accord. Let us strive to be in perfect harmony as a church.