Prepare for the Harvest

by | Feb 6, 2017

Prepare for the Harvest i Daily Walk Devotion

Everyone wants to reap a bountiful harvest, but few want to do the work to prepare for the harvest. You can’t daydream your way through life, trust me I have tried. Watching the wind, which you can’t see, and the clouds, which you can’t touch, are not bad if you do them once in awhile. If your head is continuously lost in fruitless pursuits, you will starve to death. No one who daydreams ever harvests a crop because they didn’t take time to sow seeds. You can’t expect anything out of nothing.

Ecclesiastes 11:4

“He who observes the wind will not sow, And he who regards the clouds will not reap.” 

God Created Us to Work

Reaping and sowing is a powerful principle. Solomon says that if you watch the winds, you will not sow, thus will have nothing to reap. Watching the winds is just a saying that means we are wasting time. There is a lot of work that has to be done to prepare for the harvest. He exhorts us to be diligent workers. It’s too easy today to be lazy employees. We can appear to be working but be wasting time. We may still get a paycheck, but something in our spirit dies when we don’t do the work God created us to do. Put in an honest day work.

Put In the Effort

Our work ethic applies to all the areas of our lives. We have work and chores that need to be taken care of outside of our employment. Houses need to be cleaned, laundry needs to be done, and groceries need to be bought. We can’t skate through life expecting others to pick up our slack. If we are wasting time watching TV or playing video games when these jobs should be done, we are not being obedient to God. For there to be fruit in our lives we must do the work necessary to prepare for the harvest.

Reap What You Sow

Live your life in such a way that we honor God in every area. We can’t expect to be rich if we don’t put in the work necessary. No one is going to give us a bunch of money. The same applies to our homes. We aren’t going to have a faithful marriage, obedient children, or a healthy relationship with Christ unless we put in the work necessary to make it successful. Stop wasting time on trivial things and put your effort towards those that will have a lasting impact.