Your Destiny is Determined

Your Destiny is Determined

There is a trail I ride that is called the hidden trail. It’s not really hidden, but there is a big dip at the start of it that scares off most riders. There were several times I looked at it and turned back. I didn’t want to get injured and be a burden to my family...
Crowning Moment

Crowning Moment

The coronation of a king or queen is filled with rich tradition and great fanfare. When they bow down, and the crown is placed on their head, the whole cathedral recognizes power transition. That crown represents the position that they are now in. As they sit on the...
Get Back on Track

Get Back on Track

My brother lifted his truck when we were younger. It looked like it was an off-road vehicle, and he liked to drive it where it wasn’t meant to go. Unfortunately, he was always getting towed out of the sand by someone who had a four-wheel-drive vehicle. Christians have...
Avoid the Darkness

Avoid the Darkness

Light and darkness are common ways that Hollywood symbolizes good and evil. The good guy wears white while the bad guy wears black. The criminal is always sitting in dark places until the police officer comes in and shines a light on the situation. It is something all...
Seasons of Growth

Seasons of Growth

The seasons are starting to change. In my area, winter is starting to give way to spring. The days are getting longer, and the temperatures are starting to warm up. With the rains, the hills all around are turning green, and life is sprouting up everywhere. Most...