It Begins With Us

It Begins With Us

There is an old saying that goes something like this, “If you point your finger at someone, there are three pointing back at you.” While you can be quick to point out the fault of others, you are often slow to recognize your own. Peter points this out in today’s...
Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

Love Covers a Multitude of Sins

We are so much more gracious with those we love than we are with those we don’t know. While we may get annoyed by those close to us, we want to maintain those relationships, so we get over it. Peter is telling those in the church to treat each other that way....
You are Wonderfully Made

You are Wonderfully Made

I have a son who has autism and a daughter who has mild cerebral palsy. Each day they live with the challenges of their disability. My wife and I don’t look at them as children with disabilities but as creations of the Almighty God who formed them. No matter...
Instrument of Righteousness

Instrument of Righteousness

Too many Christians struggle with guilt and shame from the sin in their lives. You know you should be transformed and new creations, but you don’t see it in your daily walk. Everything you try doesn’t seem to work, and you end up frustrated. You can overcome that...
Choose to Bless Instead of Insult

Choose to Bless Instead of Insult

I don’t know about you, but I am tired of people constantly attacking one another. Everyone is not entitled to your opinion. If Christians would choose to bless instead of insult, this world would be a better place. It is time to put your guard down, drop the attitude...