There are a lot of people walking around today that look alive and successful on the outside but are dead on the inside. Many of them have lives that others would die for, but to them, it means nothing. They need to wake up before it’s too late. It’s time for a wake-up call for many in the church. They have been sleepwalking through life.
Revelation 3:5
“He who overcomes will thus be clothed in white garments; and I will not erase his name from the book of life, and I will confess his name before My Father and before His angels.”
Appears Alive
Through the church of Sardis, Jesus is telling us that those who overcome this world will spend eternity with Him. This is a big deal to that church because it has the appearance of being alive and full of good works, but it is dead on the inside. Jesus tells them to wake up and strengthen what remains because they are not complete in God’s sight. That is not a good judgment from Jesus but is something that we could easily fall into. We want to be alive on the inside, so wake up.
Promises to Those Who Overcome
Jesus chooses to use some descriptive language that adds so much meaning to what will happen. First, you will be clothed in white. This symbolizes how the Blood of the Lamb has washed you and how you will be eternally clean before Him in heaven. Your name won’t be erased from the book of life. That means that no one can take away your salvation or keep you from going through those pearly gates. Finally, and most important, Jesus will confess your name before His Father. He will claim you as His own. That is something to rejoice over.
Time for a Wake Up Call
You are an overcomer because of what Jesus has done in your life. He defeated sin on the cross and defeated death when He was resurrected. This is all part of your inheritance when you choose to follow Jesus. You overcome because He has overcome the world. Walk in that confidence today.