What is Required of You?

by | Dec 27, 2017

Required of You I Daily Walk Devotion

Required of You

Sometimes you just want to know what to do as a Christian. Micah tells us: Do the Right Thing, Love those who need it, and Walk Humbly. If you focused on these three things your day would be full, you wouldn’t ever be bored. Doing the right thing means obeying scripture and loving your neighbor. Loving Mercy means that you go out of your way to love those who are down on their luck. Finally, you need to walk humbly. I discussed that in a previous devo.

Micah 6:8

He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the LORD require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. 

Harder Than it Looks

We humans like lists. Just tell us what to do, and we will get doing it. Micah 6:8 is one of those classic lists that we can focus on. Act justly, love mercy, walk humbly. I can do that! At least until I attempt it. The thing about lists in the Bible is that God doesn’t give us easy ones. He gives us ones that are going to challenge us and take us out of our comfort zones. Just try it. Today as you go about your day try to act justly. You’re going to realize that it takes longer and you have to think of others instead of just yourself. Doing it our way is so much easier.

Love Mercy

Try extending mercy to a person who has wronged you, or just plain annoys you. It isn’t easy, and it forces you to swallow your words. Mercy is not giving the person what they deserve. That means the justice you deserve because they have wronged you may not be served. If you harbor hurt in your heart, that might not be so easy.

Walk Humbly

Probably the hardest of all is to walk humbly, and by that, I mean true humility. Everyone can be modest or even falsely humble, but if someone gets the credit, you deserve it will challenge every fiber of your being. Humility is not thinking of less of yourself it is thinking of yourself less often.

Taking all of those three into consideration you realize it takes great sacrifice on our part to accomplish them. It is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. As we walk in the Spirit and surrender to his leading God will transform us into people who are capable of living this way.

21 Day Devotion

We have created a resource to help you with your walk with Jesus. It’s called “21 Days to a Fresh Start,” and it’s free for you to download. Use this to get your new year grounded in the Word of God and your faith started on a new path. Click here to download.