An Opportunity to Give

by | Mar 24, 2020

An Opportunity to Give I Daily Walk Devotion

We have an unprecedented opportunity to give to those in need. With millions of people losing their jobs and out of income, we are being presented with a great need that we can fill in a straightforward way. Food banks are in need of donations, neighbors need utilities paid, and small businesses need our support. A small gesture with a willing heart can go a long way to minister to someone who is hurting. Don’t do it out of obligation but out of your love for your neighbor.

2 Corinthians‬ ‭9:7

Each person should do as he has decided in his heart — not reluctantly or out of compulsion, since God loves a cheerful giver.”

A Motivated Heart

God wants us to be sacrificial givers, but He wants it to come from a motivated heart. He doesn’t need our money or gifts but asks us to give because He knows the work it does in our hearts. Paul is telling the Corinthians that they should give, but how much they give shouldn’t come from him but from listening to what the Lord is telling each individual. He was facing a reluctant group in Corinth, and they were only going to give because they felt compelled our of guilt. Paul tells them not to bother because if it can’t come from a cheerful heart, then God doesn’t want it.

A Cheerful Heart

Being a cheerful giver comes from our heart of worship. We understand that everything we have was given to us from the Lord, and giving is then is a recognition that God has blessed us. We cheerfully give back to Him and others because we are so grateful for all that He has done for us. We don’t give to get recognized or to feel better about ourselves but as a response to the joy in our hearts.

An Opportunity to Give

Giving is a choice and a sacrifice. Choose today to be a blessing to your church and others. Do it in such a way where it brings honor to God. Meet the needs of those who can’t provide for themselves. When you do, you will discover this underlying joy that was never there before. Look for an opportunity to give today