Father Forgive Them

Father Forgive Them

We are entering Holy Week, where we look at the events leading up to the cross. Often, I like to write on the last sayings of Jesus on the cross. The next five days will be five of the seven last sayings Jesus uttered before His death. Today we look the first thing he...
Living with Power-Packed Faith

Living with Power-Packed Faith

With no sports on TV for the foreseeable future, channels like ESPN are scrambling for programming. I was hoping that they would harken back to the early days of the channel and show the World’s Strongest Man competitions. There is nothing like seeing men...
Power to Pardon

Power to Pardon

The leaders of most countries have the power to pardon criminals from their crimes, free them from their prison sentences. With one small declaration and a signature, that person who was incarcerated is now free. In an instant, their lives change. While those crimes...
We Need More than Bread

We Need More than Bread

Have you tried to buy flour lately? Every grocery store that I go to is completely sold out. Sure, you can purchase almond flour and coconut flour, but those are cheap imitations of the real thing. When a crisis hits, people fall back on those things that are...
Where the Power of Christ Dwells

Where the Power of Christ Dwells

The Apostle Paul was a man who moved in the power of Christ. The New Testament is lined with how God worked through him. The Holy Spirit’s anointing was upon him on his missionary travels, but he discovered where the power of Christ dwells. It was in the place...
Go the Extra Mile

Go the Extra Mile

When you decide to serve others, you will be required to give more than you expected. This will happen because you will see the need is more significant than you first thought, but also it will be to make people happy that will never be happy. Jesus encourages us to...