Gentle as Doves

Gentle as Doves

Chuck Musselwhitecmusselwhite The dove is one of the most docile animals in the world. Even the sound they make denotes peace and calm. They don’t attack other animals as some birds do. Jesus tells us to be as gentle as doves while we are in the world while at the...
The Harvest is Ready

The Harvest is Ready

One of the most significant challenges every church faces is the need for volunteers. People plead from the pulpit, send out catchy emails, and beg from social media and still come up short. There is a way that the church can have all the volunteers it needs and it is...
A Blessed Mess

A Blessed Mess

Are you a neat freak? Maybe you like everything nice and orderly. If so messiness represents chaos and confusion in your life. If that’s the case, anyone who is messy can be an annoyance. Children with their dirty hands, teenagers leaving all their stuff on the...
Searching for the Speck

Searching for the Speck

Nothing is more irritating when you wear contacts than a speck of dust or a loose eyelash. That little irritant will make your eye burn and turn red faster than anything. You feel like you have a log in your eye. Often you need someone to help you find the culprit....
Important Resolutions

Important Resolutions

Every new year brings a new focus. Many people make resolutions that this year will be different than the last. We are determined to have new priorities that will change the trajectory of our lives. Jesus addresses those very same issues in today’s devotion. He...
What are You Investing In

What are You Investing In

Many people are making resolutions for the new year, and usually part of that is getting their financial house in order. You will see several news articles on how to invest your money to get the most return. All of these are important, but as a believer in Jesus...