Time to Shine

Time to Shine

The world tells us that if we want to be noticed, we have to stand out. We need to post on social media and remind people constantly of how good we are. They also tell us that if we don’t tell people no one else will. Since we are a society in constant need of...
Start Off on the Right Path

Start Off on the Right Path

Typically I will start my day with a two and a half mile walk. I do it early in the morning so that I can avoid the crowded streets. It gives me a time to pray, listen to a podcast, and think about what the day holds. One of my typical prayers is to ask God to lead me...
Pursue Wisdom in the New Year

Pursue Wisdom in the New Year

There is a lot of information out there but very little wisdom being used. We have more data and analysis at our fingertips than at any other time in history yet people seem to be making more foolish decisions. Knowledge may be power, but wisdom is what leads to...
Don’t Waste Your Life

Don’t Waste Your Life

In the farming industry, plants that don’t produce are cut down and replaced by one that does. To a farmer, a non-producing plant costs him profit. They don’t have the time to nurture it back to health because the costs of water and fertilizer are too high. As...
Finish the Race Strong

Finish the Race Strong

“It’s not how you start the race; it’s how you finish that counts.” That’s how the old adage goes, and that is what my coaches used to yell at me when I played sports. The same can be said for our walk with Jesus. Finish the race strong because the prize goes to those...
The Reward of the Selfless Servant

The Reward of the Selfless Servant

Most of us are recovering from a busy Christmas season today. Some are still in celebration mode as they spread it across families. Wherever you are at in that process one thing is clear; Christmas takes a herculean effort on the part of several people for it to come...