Take the Path of Humility

Take the Path of Humility

We all know those people who are good at bringing attention to themselves. It seems they are always doing the thing that will get noticed. People clamor to be around them because of all the attention. ‭Jesus gives us a warning against wanting the spotlight. Instead,...
Can You Hear Me?

Can You Hear Me?

Remember the famous phone commercial for Verizon “Can you hear me now?” It was a play on what most mobile phone users were saying as they walked around looking for good reception. As you read today’s verse in Hebrews, you can almost hear the Holy...
Be About Your Business

Be About Your Business

Most studies and surveys say the same thing; workers don’t like their bosses. They grumble about them to coworkers, gripe about the way things are done, and generally are miserable at work. Most of the blame is put on the boss. As Christians, we are called to a...
The Eye Doesn’t Lie

The Eye Doesn’t Lie

Your eyes are a window to your soul. Much can be known about you just by watching your eyes. The eye doesn’t lie. Your eyes exude health or sickness; they show truth or deception. Jesus tells us today that the eye is the lamp of the body. It tells us whether we...
Count Your Blessings

Count Your Blessings

Did your mother ever tell you to count your blessings when you were complaining as a child? I know mine did. Whenever I was getting negative and starting to complain about things not going my way she would tell me to count my blessings. When I was young, I had no clue...
Count the Cost

Count the Cost

Have you ever lost something of great value? Maybe it was a family heirloom or something you have spent a lot of money on. Whatever it is the loss stings and there is no way of replacing it. That is what Jesus is talking about when he asks what does it profit if you...