Work Heartily For the Lord

Work Heartily For the Lord

Studies have been done in the workplace and found that over 60% of workers would leave their job if they had a better opportunity. The number one reason they would leave is their supervisor. This is even more interesting because the same survey found over 60% of...
Jesus Bore Your Sins

Jesus Bore Your Sins

One of the hardest things to watch is to see someone you love suffer. If you are a parent, you want to take your child’s place or protect them in some way. Seeing them struggle through the crisis makes it hard because you are powerless to make it better. Did you...
Who Really Killed Jesus?

Who Really Killed Jesus?

As I write this, it is Holy Week. I am in full preparation mode for three different services to celebrate the resurrection of our Savior. Easter Morning is always such a wonderful day, but I love our Good Friday service just as much. One question I frequently get is,...
Hide and Seek

Hide and Seek

My kids loved turning all of the lights off in the house and playing hide and seek. To say there were tons of screams would be an understatement. As parents, my wife and I would be in tears laughing at how scared our kids were. They were afraid to look behind doors...
My Stronghold and Refuge

My Stronghold and Refuge

Did you ever build forts when you were young? On rainy days my mom would let me and my brother transform one of the rooms in our house to make a fort. It would consume our whole day as we pulled out blankets and moved around furniture. We had tunnels, rooms, and...