Seal of Ownership

by | Apr 12, 2018

Seal of Ownership I Daily Walk Devotion

As a believer in Jesus Christ, we have his seal of ownership upon us. That seal comes with fantastic benefits. The Apostle Paul lays three benefits that come with Christ’s seal of ownership. They are the strength to stand firm, the power of the Holy Spirit, and the guarantee of eternity with him. These are all endless resources that will help us in our daily walk.

2 Corinthians 1:21-22

Now it is God who makes both us and you stand firm in Christ. He anointed us, set his seal of ownership on us, and put his Spirit in our hearts as a deposit, guaranteeing what is to come.

Christ’s Seal On Us

A seal in ancient times was something that kept a letter or document closed. It was usually made out of wax and pressed with a signet ring or device that would identify the person who wrote the document and sealed it. When Christ died on the cross, and we put our faith in him, he put his seal upon us so that everyone would know that we are his.

Member Benefits

With this seal, we are equipped with three crucial benefits to living our faith. First, we are given the strength to stand. This shows us that we don’t have to live under our power, Jesus equips us with the strength to go on. Second, we are filled with the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us in the Gospels that the Spirit is a helper who will instruct us in the word and guide us along the path. So we have the strength to walk and a guide to lead us. Finally, we are given hope for the future. The reason we need strength and a guide is to get us to the finish line, heaven. There will be a day where we will be in eternity with Jesus. All of the trouble of this life will pass away.

Careful Where You Lean

We can take too much credit for our strength. This can lead to pride which, as we all know, leads to the fall. We have to understand that it is God who gives us the strength to stand. He sets our feet. Don’t trust in yourself at all when temptation or the enemy is at your doorstep. Instead, rely upon the Holy Spirit for what you need at that moment. Realize that God’s seal of ownership is upon us and His anointing rests upon us. God is not going to let something he owns be destroyed. Walk in that confidence this morning.