Stand Firm in Your Freedom

by | May 1, 2020

Stand Firm in Your Freedom I Daily Walk Devotion

The wooden harness put on an ox to pull the plow is called a yoke. Farmers would put two similar oxen together to plow their fields. Paul uses the analogy of the yoke when it comes to sin in our lives. Before Christ, we were harnessed to the yoke of sin, which we have to carry. Jesus set us free from that bondage through His death and resurrection. Stand firm in Your Freedom.

‭‭Galatians‬ ‭5:1‬

“It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.”

Slaves to Sin

The freedom Paul is talking about here is our independence from the yoke of the sin and the law. There were Jews that were trying to force circumcision and keeping the Mosaic law on the Gentile believers. Paul is coming against slavery and telling the new believers not to put any undue burden on their faith. Christ set us free from sin, and he fulfilled the law, so we don’t have to be burdened by its strict guidelines to earn our righteousness.

Bask in the Light of God’s Love

Christ wants you to walk in freedom. When the yoke of slavery is upon us, we struggle. Beyond just the sin or legalism, it affects every area of our lives. We feel like a cloud of depression hangs over us. We are quick to lose our temper. When we walk in freedom, all of that is gone, and we bask in the light of God’s love knowing that He has forgiven us, and we are right with Him because of what Jesus has done.

Stand Firm in Your Freedom

Stand firm in your freedom. Ask the Holy Spirit to fill your heart so that you can be empowered to walk in that faith. Keep your eyes focused on the things above, and don’t look back to your old life. Freedom is a gift, and Jesus wants you to experience the fullness of it.