Wipe Every Tear

Wipe Every Tear

I’ve seen a lot of tears as a pastor. It comes from all different situations. Often, there is little I can do except comfort them in their time of need. As believers, we have to accept that tears, and the plain that causes them, are a part of life. One day that...
Every Nation and Tribe

Every Nation and Tribe

One of the great things about the Olympics is the closing ceremonies when all the nations enter together. Every flag is brought in, but all of the countries are enter as one large group. The athletes are in party mode and are hanging out with other athletes they have...
Sense of Completion

Sense of Completion

There is something special about doing something for the last time. When an employee retires after decades with a company or an athlete hangs up his competitive career, there is a sense of completion. As Jesus hung on the cross, he proclaimed, “It is...
Convicted of a Crime He Didn’t Commit

Convicted of a Crime He Didn’t Commit

The cross makes you think of what Jesus went through to redeem the lost. He endured humiliation, suffering, and death so that our sins could be forgiven. It makes you think about some of the inconveniences we go through that we make a big deal over. As the crowds were...
The Way of the Righteous

The Way of the Righteous

Sometimes it seems like the wicked of this world get away with everything while the righteous struggle. That may be true for a while, but eventually, the wicked person’s deeds are exposed. Don’t worry about what others are doing. Continue following Jesus,...