Trust the Lord with Your Path

Trust the Lord with Your Path

In the book “The Insanity of God” by Nik Ripken, he tells the story of going to Somalia during the civil war and dealing with land mines that had been placed by warring factions. It was dangerous to walk in the streets or fields for fear of setting one of these off. I...
Clothe Yourself with Humility

Clothe Yourself with Humility

It is getting tiresome watching all of the arrogant politicians, actors, and athletes spew their opinions and attitudes on the rest of us. These men and women who have achieved success in one area of their lives are often train wrecks in most other areas. Pride is a...
Looking in the Right Direction

Looking in the Right Direction

Are you the type of person with a good sense of direction, or are you easily turned around and soon lost? It seems people are one or the other. There are few things more disconcerting than not being able to find your way. The Psalmist understands that from a spiritual...
What’s On Your Mind?

What’s On Your Mind?

I will often look over at my wife when we are on a long drive and say, “penny for your thoughts?” She will turn and look at me and smile. Most of the time, her answer is “nothing,” which means she is developing her thoughts to share with me later. Sometimes she will...
Open Your Home

Open Your Home

My brother-in-law and sister-in-law love to have people over to their home. Whether it be an elaborate party, family bbq, or spontaneous visit, they are always open. Every time you leave their home, you feel better. They have the gift of hospitality, but they exercise...