Be Like the Holy One

Be Like the Holy One

Who did you want to be like when you were growing up? Was it an athlete or musician? Maybe it was one of your parents? Whoever it was, you probably emulated their moves and figures of speech. As Christians, God wants you to be like the Holy One, His Son Jesus. ‭‭1...
Prepare Your Mind

Prepare Your Mind

When I plan my days, I find that they tend to go better than those where I don’t. Most of the reason for that is that I get more done, which makes me feel better. However, there is one danger that can make my day go sideways when something interrupts my plans....
Stirring in Your Heart

Stirring in Your Heart

Has God ever moved in your spirit to do something? Maybe there been a stirring in your heart for work He wants to do? Don’t be afraid to follow that leading. God is using you to do His work. He has done it through the generations and continues to do so through...
What To Do When You Get Sick

What To Do When You Get Sick

Most people have multiple options when it comes to health care. They can go to a doctor or hospital when they get sick and be treated by trained professionals who can prescribe medicines for their ailment. They can also go the homeopathic route and use natural...
Praise the Lord

Praise the Lord

I’ve been to some of the poorest parts of the world, places where I make more in one day than they make in one year. I’ve been to churches that consist of four walls, a roof, and dusty floors with no electricity or water. It is in these places where I have found the...