A Warning to Those Who Plot Evil

A Warning to Those Who Plot Evil

Most of you have encountered people who are straight-up evil. They don’t have any redeeming qualities, and their words and actions produce strife for all those around them. It’s been that way since the beginning of time. Today’s passage should give you some comfort....
Taming the Tongue

Taming the Tongue

Ever heard the saying, “He swears like a sailor?” It refers to a person who lets loose with a string of profanities that would make most people blush. It is also symbolic of a person who can’t control their tongue. David knew the struggles that came with taming the...
Give Credit Where Credit is Due

Give Credit Where Credit is Due

I am always amazed at the arrogance of some people. They are impressed with themselves, and they are not shy about telling people. This is especially true with professional fighters. Their whole mantra is to exude confidence and to intimidate their opponent. King...
Strength for Your Soul

Strength for Your Soul

As I write this devotional, I am exhausted. The last couple of weeks have had several significant events on top of my typical weekly responsibilities. The next couple of weeks are packed with similar events. It would be easy to sit here and feel sorry for myself. When...
The Curse is Gone

The Curse is Gone

When Adam and Eve committed the first sin, it brought a curse upon the earth. That curse was that sin came with a price tag of death. Since all of us are born into sin, that curse is transferred to us. The only thing that can remove that curse is a perfect sacrifice...