The Path to Peace and Healing

by | Sep 26, 2019

The Path to Peace and Healing I Daily Walk Devotion

Many religions offer promises they can’t deliver on. They encourage you to meditate so that you can find inner peace. They have you eat strict diets that are supposed to cleanse and bring healing. All of these do nothing to take away the real source of the guilt and pain, our sin. Only Jesus came and sacrificed His life for His followers so that we could be made well. The path to peace and healing is through His suffering.

‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭53:5

But He was pierced for our transgressions; He was crushed for our iniquities; upon Him was the chastisement that brought us peace, and with His wounds we are healed.

Willing Sacrifice

Isaiah 53 is the clearest description of what Jesus suffered and why He had to go through it. His hands, feet, and side were pierced because of our trespasses, and He was crushed for our sins. Ponder that for just a second. He willingly suffered unimaginable pain so that our sins would be wiped off of our account. On top of that, He took all of the criticism that we deserved and instead gave us peace so that His wounds could spiritually heal us. This is extreme love.

Gave Freely

Buddha may espouse wisdom, and Mohammed may encourage sacrifice, but neither of these did anything for their followers. Jesus laid down his life so that we could be set free. He took all of the punishment and shame so that we could be made new. Where other religions require much of their followers, Jesus requires much of Himself and gives His grace freely.

The Path to Peace and Healing

Jesus is the path to peace and healing. You can have peace that passes all understanding when you put your faith in Jesus. Cast all of your sin and worries on Him, and He will replace that with His peace. In the process, you will find that your soul has gone through a transformation and that you are whole for the first time in your life. Walk that path today.

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