People don’t write letters anymore. They send short texts filled with emojis. If something longer needs to be said, they might send an email, but no one sits down and writes anything on paper and then mails it. It’s a lost art and with it is lost the wonderful avenue of using words to paint a picture. Fortunately, Paul wrote letters to churches that we still have. Today, he turns it around and tells you that you are a living letter that the world reads by the way you live your life.
2 Corinthians 3:2-3
You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, known and read by everyone. You show that you are Christ’s letter, delivered by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God — not on tablets of stone but on tablets of human hearts.”
Near and Dear to His Heart
What a great image. The Corinthians are likened to a letter written by Christ, on the heart of Paul, that have been read by everyone. As much as these people were a thorn in the flesh to him, they are near and dear to his heart. He has poured his life out for them, and he is proud of the work that Jesus has done in their hearts and the church. The world has taken notice, and he is proud of the work he has done.
What Do You Want Your Letter to Say?
It’s good to picture the people that you are ministering to as writing a letter. What you teach them and how you love them tells those who are watching a story. What story do you want to tell? That is determined by what you pour into those God has given you to minister. Just as a wordsmith carefully chooses the words he uses to paint a beautiful picture, so do we when we decide what to teach. Next time you are with them, picture that in your mind
You Are a Living Letter
What is the world reading about your life? Do you speak of the Gospel of Jesus Christ when others read you? Are you writing on the hearts of others, or is there a trail of broken relationships? You can start a new chapter today. Start by going to Jesus and asking for him to forgive your sins and then clean your life up. Let Him write the Gospel on your heart so that others can read it.