Walking Under God’s Covering

Walking Under God’s Covering

During the summer months, one of the most precious commodities is the relief brought on by the cool shade. While the sun brings life if the temperature is too high it can drain us. Walking under a covering can take some of the burden off of us. The Israelites knew the...
Sensing God’s Leading

Sensing God’s Leading

There are sometimes where I get so turned around that I have no clue where I am at. Maps don’t help, and I can’t tell which way is which. I usually need someone to point me in the right direction. It has happened trying to follow Christ as well. No matter...
You Are a Holy Temple

You Are a Holy Temple

Have you ever walked into an old church building and it seemed like was haunted and a bit creepy? There are a lot of great cathedrals all over the world that have lost their life. Long ago it became more about how beautiful the building was that what was going on...
Demonstration of the Spirit’s Power

Demonstration of the Spirit’s Power

Dwight Moody started out as a shoe salesman in Chicago before God got a hold of his heart. Once Moody surrendered to Christ he was led to start a Sunday school for the street children in his city. Before long the numbers were so large that there weren’t any...
Nothing to Be Afraid Of

Nothing to Be Afraid Of

When I was growing up, I lived in a place where the wind blew really hard. It would get up to 45-50 mph. I would lay in my bed at night and worry that our house was going to blow over. My mom would always tell me I had nothing to be afraid of. She was right. Our house...
Endurance to Live in Harmony

Endurance to Live in Harmony

Endurance to live in harmony? That is just a strange title to a devotional. At first, it may seem a bit odd, but if you put some thought into it, you start to see the truth in it. Living in harmony isn’t singing kumbaya all the time. When you have a group of...