Do You Love Me?

Do You Love Me?

Navigating the seasons of life can be at least challenging but also confusing. The uncertainty of what is going on and how to deal with it can leave a person feeling overwhelmed. Peter went through a season like that. He wanted to quit the ministry and go back to...
A Heart of Worship

A Heart of Worship

As I sit and write this devotional, my daughter is practicing her piano. She has been taking lessons for several years and has gotten good, but what she enjoys the most is playing in the worship band at the church. She was considering quitting lessons, but playing...
God Uses the Unlikely

God Uses the Unlikely

In America, we have the faces of some of our most outstanding leaders chiseled into the side of a mountain. It’s called Mount Rushmore, and four presidents have their faces memorialized for eternity. All of these men are known for their leadership and eloquent...
Walk in Peace

Walk in Peace

Going for a walk has a way of removing the day’s stress. Sorting through your troubles makes it feel like a huge weight has been lifted. Jesus wants you to walk in peace. He can carry you through the storms and give rest to your worn-out heart. Look to Jesus and...
Go About Your Business

Go About Your Business

With all of the unrest in the world, there has been a renewed interest in the End Times amongst believers and unbelievers. People want to know when Jesus is returning. They are afraid of missing the boat. Some have gone so far as to declare the end of the world. It is...
The Finished Work of the Cross

The Finished Work of the Cross

When you reflect on what Christ did for you on the cross, you start to consider the gravity of the event. He took your place and took the penalty of your sin. After it was all done, He declared to His Father and the world, “It is finished.” Then He...