Uphold Justice

Uphold Justice

The church is in need of more people who will uphold justice and speak the truth. There will be people who hate it and come against you, but there are those who need it. So many people are marginalized and oppressed. They need a voice who will speak out for them....
Proclaim His Name

Proclaim His Name

King David appointed Levites to minister before the Ark of the Lord. They were to extol, thank, and praise the Lord. They were to give praise to the Lord, to proclaim His name. That had to be an awesome job. To spend your whole day praising and worshiping the Lord...
Sent in the Power of the Spirit

Sent in the Power of the Spirit

It was a busy time after the resurrection. Jesus was seen by more than five hundred people. He did spend a good amount of time with the Disciples. To equip them for the job ahead they were sent in the power of the Spirit. This was his designated group to spread the...
Lead a Dignified Life

Lead a Dignified Life

The behavior and character of a Christian are vital. How we conduct ourselves with those around us speaks louder than our words. Our witness depends upon it. We are to lead a dignified life full of peace. Being outspoken and argumentative are counterproductive to...
It Is Finished

It Is Finished

The sixth statement Jesus said on the cross is “It is Finished.” These powerful words completed the work of our salvation. Everything that Jesus needed to accomplish on the cross was done. All that was left was his resurrection from the grave. The atoning...
With Me In Paradise

With Me In Paradise

Jesus was hung on the cross between two thieves. The second statement Jesus made on the cross was to the thief “Today you will be with me in paradise.” In one of the greatest acts of compassion on a deathbed confession, Jesus tells the thief that he will...